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S H O P  F A I R  P A R K  C O F F E E

Are you ready for your new favorite coffee?


Colombian image



Whole Bean Colombian Coffee, 12 oz.


Finca La Falda, Santiago Caro | This high-grown micro-lot hails from the Cauca region nestled in the Andean mountains and nourished by rich volcanic soil. The region produces Colombia's highest quality coffee.  In the cup this washed Pink Bourbon shines.  It's clean and smooth with notes of baker’s chocolate, blackberries and citrus finish.

Ethiopian image



Whole Bean Ethiopian Coffee, 12 oz.


Are you craving an adventure? Take a sip of a washed Ethiopian coffee from the Guji region and let your taste buds explore a world of vibrant surprises! This high-grown and meticulously processed coffee is floral, with dense berries and natural sweetness. It's a coffee lover's delight!


Tanzanian image



Whole Bean Tanzanian Coffee, 12 oz.


Are you looking for a hidden gem? Tanzanian coffee is the newest coffee to join the roastery, and we consider it one of East Africa's best-kept secrets. Brew a cup, and this Peaberry bursts with bright raspberry and cacao notes – a delightful surprise in every sip!

Guatemalan image



Whole Bean Guatemalan Coffee, 12 oz.


Guatemalan coffee is a perennial favorite here, and for good reason! Coffee grown in the Huehuetenango region produces a clean and balanced cup with the perfect level of complexity. Expect notes of baker's chocolate, almonds, and a bright citrus finish – a Guatemalan lover's delight!



Dripper image



Coffee Cone Dripper - Color: Black